Ebony fighters Mocha and Dena go at it in this topless erotic female wrestling battle. They aggressively go right after each other hard with titty slapping, breast squeezing, nipple pinching and pussy grabbing. Bigger female Dena gets nasty spanking her foes ass and rubbing her tits into Mocha's face. Dena bends Mocha over and pulls her thong into her ass with fierce wedgies then rubs and slaps her pussy. They bang into each other ass to ass then Mocha pays Dena back with wedgies, spanking and crotch rubbing as these two can't keep their hands off each other. These females can't hide their obvious lust and attraction as they tit to tit before grinding, humping and licking breasts. They take turns facsitting each other, firmly planting their pussy and ass into their foes face in this very sensual sex fight. A winner finally emerges with an erotic pin as she bounces her ass on losers head while rubbing her fat pussy then posing over her after 15 minutes of sexy female wrestling action.
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